

Fight Crime, Invest in Kids: West MI Law Enforcement Join National Push


KALAMAZOO, Mich., — Kalamazoo County Sheriff Richard Fuller joined with other local members of law enforcement Monday to release a report about the importance of fighting crime early.

The report, “I’m the Guy You Pay Later”, contains research about the cost savings for the state of Michigan if a new federal/state partnership is implemented. The partnership proposal seeks more money for quality preschool, after school programs and help for troubled youth.

It’s part of the push by national non-profit “Fight Crime: Invest in Kids”. The group is comprised of thousands of members of law enforcement from across the country, including about 500 members from Michigan.

“My jail is filled right now with people who took the wrong path in life,” said Sheriff Fuller. “For many it began with academic struggles and behavior problems early on resulting in school failure and crime…The bottom line, the impact could be remarkable in being able to reduce the number of people who are incarcerated in Michigan by more than 4,300 inmates every year and to save our state 200 million dollars every year.”

Congressman Fred Upton, who attended the press conference, said he hopes to learn more about the proposed partnership when he heads back to Washington.

So far, no legislation has been introduced. Bills are reportedly being drafted by both the House and the Senate.