

Driver Error Factor in Daycare Car Crash

Posted 5:24 PM, Apr 23, 2014
and last updated 8:55 PM, Apr 23, 2014

KENT COUNTY, Mich (April 23, 2014) – Authorities say driver error appears to the reason behind a car crashing into a daycare facility in Ada today.

The crash happened this afternoon at the Big Steps Little Feet Daycare at 7030 E. Fulton in Ada.

Deputies say a 33-year-old Spilatha Medikonda arrived at the daycare to pick her son when she accidentally pushed the gas pedal instead of the brake pedal while pulling into a parking space.

Her 2000 Honda Accord lunged forward over a curb and crashed into the building.

Deputies say several children were on the other side of the wall where the crash happened, and two 3-year-old’s were hit by a small shelf that came off the wall during the collision.  First responders with the Ada Fire Department and AMR Ambulance tended to the children, though deputies say no one was injured.

Medikonda did have her safety belt on at the time of the crash, and wasn’t injured either.

Damage to the car and the building appear to be minor.

The crash remains under investigation.