

Fake $100 bills may be circulating in Emmett Twp


EMMETT TWP, Mich. — Police say that novelty $100 bills may have been passed around Emmett Township.

Earlier this week, officers say that a woman tried to use a fake $100 bill at a gas station. The clerk realized it was fake and the police were called.

The woman allegedly did not know that she had a fake bill. The bill – which looks like an authentic $100 bill – is marked “Motion Picture Use Only.”

The bill was taken by police. They say that fake bills can be bought online in large quantities, but come with a warning that it’s a federal offense to use the money illegally.

Anyone with information about the origins of the bill or has seen more being passed as real currency is encouraged to call the Emmett Township of Public Safety at 269.968.9303 or Silent Observer at 269.964.3888.