

‘Hatchet Man Road’ continues to creep out drivers in Van Buren County

Posted 3:19 PM, Oct 31, 2016

VAN BUREN COUNTY, Mich. – Need a good ghost story for Halloween?

There is a particular tale about “Hatchet Man Road”, a stretch of 28th Avenue, between M-40 south of Gobles, and 9th Street near Kalamazoo.  The road crosses over Campbell Creek.

It’s said you can see the “Hatchet Man’s” spirit and his kids’ ghosts and his wife’s ghost in the woods. If you drive there at night, you could see the white face of a little girl up in the trees. You could see dark shadows going across the road in front of you, according to local legends.

Watch Alyssa Hearin’s exploration of the road, below.