GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. -- According to a police report recently obtained through the Freedom of Information Act by FOX 17, the two people previously wanted for questioning in an unpaid $320 restaurant tab are weight loss consultants that market themselves and their business online.

Surveillance image released by Police on 12/30/2016
Grand Rapids police were called to the Chop House restaurant on the evening of December 26th after the couple reportedly racked up a food bill totaling $320.92 and then left the restaurant without paying. Reports indicate the couple finished their meal, went out for a cigarette, returned to order dessert, and then took off for good without paying.
Police sent local media a surveillance image from the Chop House a few days later, hoping the public could identify the couple.
After tips began coming in, investigators say they were quickly able to determine who was in the picture. Police told FOX 17 at the time that several people had seemingly recognized the two from the internet. Police reports identify the couple as Jason Woodruff and Danielle Halliday. The two run a website called Diamond Body Image under the aliases Alex and Avril Baxter.
Their website states, "Our belief in helping you learn is simple: Share the truth, be honest, work hard, and lead by example. That’s what we are all about, and that’s why we created this website".
The report indicates that Woodruff called the manager of the Chop House on December 31st, apparently claiming he was the man in the photo's brother. He reportedly offered to pay for the total bill plus a tip. It also shows the couple made their reservation under a false name.
Eventually police received a call from a Deputy in Roscommon, Michigan who recognized the couple. The Deputy reportedly went to high school with the woman.
He was able to provide Grand Rapids Police with her full name as well as info connecting her and the man in the image to their fitness website, where both use aliases.
Another tipster told police the two now lived in Indiana, but may have family still in Michigan.
The Chop House eventually dropped any charges against the couple once they paid off their bill. Grand Rapids Police told FOX 17 earlier in January that the case is now closed. They said the couple was never charged with anything because "the complaining victim no longer wanted GRPD to pursue pressing charges".