The cost of greeting cards can really add up, and you can spend a lot of time searching to find the right one. Instead of spending time and money on a Hallmark card, why not make one yourself for mom this Mother's Day?
- Card Stock
- Green Paper
- Assorted Colored Scrap Paper
- Scissors
- Glue
- Begin by cutting the green sheet of paper down a little, so it fits the inside of the card stock.
- Fold the paper in half.
- Cut some slits in the green paper. Make sure they don't reach the end of the paper, because they'll be folding out of the card.
- Lift the cuts and create a crease.
- Open the green sheet of paper and turn the creases "inside out," do they form a corner when the card opens.
- Glue the green paper onto the card stock, but be sure to leave the slits up and away from the glue.
- Cut out pictures to glue onto the bent slits.
For full instructions, click here.