

How to retire an American flag

Posted 3:52 AM, Jul 03, 2017

GRANDVILLE, Mich. – The colors of the American flag run deep with patriotic passion. That’s why the flag isn’t something that should just be thrown in the trash when it gets unfit to fly.

The best way to honor the flag is to have a retirement ceremony. It’s an event that burns the flag in ceremony that retires it with grace and dignity.

“United States federal law provides that when the flag is in such condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way.”  Said Henry Kloosterman, Boy Scouts Troop 281.

The Boy Scouts of America Troop 281 in Grandville recently took part in a flag retirement ceremony.

“It symbolizes our country and this is a great country,” says Leland Berman-Wright, Boy Scouts Troop 281.“Because of all the people that died to protect us and make America a beautiful country.”

Large flags are respectfully folded. Anyone can take part in the process. A salute is given each time a flag is placed in the fire.

It’s a way to show respect to a symbol that’s protected the people of America for more than 200 years.

The ashes of the flags are buried following the flag retirement ceremony.

The American Legion Post 179 in Grandville is having another one in the fall.

They collect flags all the time, they can be dropped off at the red, white and blue collection box.