KALAMAZOO, Mich. -- The driver of the vehicle that struck and killed Comstock Fire Chief Ed Switalski, recently named Michigan fire chief of the year, was officially charged Wednesday in Kalamazoo.
Brandon Clevenger, 24 from Battle Creek, is facing a charge of reckless driving causing death and possible 15 years in prison.
June 14 Switalski was responding to a traffic crash on I-94 when Clevenger passed the scene driving eastbound and struck the chief. The investigation showed that Clevenger topped out at about 90 mph at the time of the crash.
During his arraignment Clevenger appeared a bit stunned, taking several deep breaths and rocking a bit at times. Kalamazoo District Judge Christopher Haenicke noted Clevenger has no previous criminal record, his family is in the area, and released him on a $5,000 personal recognizance bond.