Steer It, Clear It” law applies only to minor collisions where no one is injured
- Each year, there are thousands of auto accidents in Michigan that do not involve any injuries or fatalities – “Steer It, Clear It” applies to these crashes
- Historically, drivers have been taught to leave their vehicles “as is” after a crash
- A 2012 study found that most Michigan drivers do move their vehicles to the side of the road after a minor accident, but that most don’t know they are legally required to do so
Law requires that vehicles involved in a minor crash be moved out of road/to side of road
- Law applies to vehicles that are drivable
- Look for safe place to move vehicle: shoulder, emergency lane, median – then call police
- You can be ticketed for not moving your vehicle out of roadway
- Law protects: (1) you from any further danger, (2) your vehicle from any further damage, (3) first responders who may arrive and (4) motorists behind you in traffic
When a driver moves a vehicle under the “Steer It, Clear It’ law, it is not evidence of fault
- Law specifically says that moving vehicle is not evidence of fault
- Police, emergency responders, tow truck drivers – all first responders – are fully aware of the law – they are trained to communicate the law to drivers involved in minor accidents
- Insurance companies are fully aware of the law as well (i.e., not evidence of fault)