

West Michigan boy recognized as nation’s #1 popcorn salesman

Posted 10:36 PM, Jan 20, 2018
and last updated 11:42 PM, Jan 21, 2018

NORTON SHORES, Mich. -- A West Michigan boy has become the number one popcorn salesman in the United States and possibly the largest ever in the history of Boy Scouts.

Mason Schlafer, 11, of Norton Shores is being recognized by Trails End popcorn on a national level for his hard work selling popcorn.

In 2017, Schlafer sold more than $57,000 worth of popcorn. “We just worked door-to-door and did some sales in front of some stores.”

Schlafer door knocked throughout the year regardless if it was 90 degrees or zero degrees with snow coming down.

“My favorite part is watching him grow as a young man," said father Matt Schlafer. "He went from being kid that didn’t want to help around the house, or didn’t want to study to a kid that now take incentive when he sees things that need to be done.”

Schlafer said 73% of every purchase stays locally. He said Mason's troop received $20,000 dollars which set aside a good portion for Mason's scout account so he can buy equipment, uniforms, or go to camp. Mason is using some of his money for camperships for boys who can't afford to go to camp, as well as buy tents for his troup.

The Schlafer family is now planning a trip to Florida to celebrate with popcorn company Trails End. They will be attending a convention that Mason will be recognized at. The family will also get to visit Disney or Universal Studio's.