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Smart Shopper: Organize your home with dollar store finds


FOX 17 - I don't have any room to talk when it comes to organization. I need LOTS of help. However, since Thursday, April 26 is dubbed "Get Organized Day" by and I'm The Smart Shopper, why not show people ways to get their life in order for very little money.

Dollar Tree has endless possibilities when it comes to getting storage help. A big shout out to Pinterest and the many ideas I was able to snag, to pass your way.

1.) Pool to make boots stand at attention: Take your standard pool noodle, stick inside a boot and measure to see where the point would be to cut it down to fit inside of the boot. This will make them stand up instead of flopping over.

2.) Plastic cleaning caddy for craft/school supplies: Usually multi-compartment caddies, that come in really fun colors, are used mostly to haul cleaning supplies from one room to the next. But, They work fabulous for storing kids craft supplies like crayons, markers, paints etc. Also, I think they would also work great to organize  your mail. Put a label on the outside that says "New Mail" by one slot and something like "Bills" etc. on the outside of another.

3.) Lysol container into plastic bag holder: If you haven't switched over to bringing your own bags to the grocery store, chances are you have a plethra of plastic store bags. One great way to get them all in one small place, is to stuff them inside of an empty Lysol container. You pull one up through the top and they should pull the next one in line right up along with it, just like how the wipes operate. Don't over-stuff or it won't work!

4.) Crap buckets or "Stuff" buckets (if you like that term better) : Instead of running  50 times a day to put your kids small items away or fighting with them to do it, make buckets or baskets with their names on them. These especially work great if you have stairs. Find something around the house where it doesn't belong? Throw it in their designated bucket/basket, no questions asked. At the end of the day, everyone takes their designated "stuff collector" up to their room and then brings it back down in the morning to start the routine all over again. To make it a little more fun, have the kids pick out their own designated "stuff collector".

Do you have money saving ideas that The Smart Shopper would love to hear about? Email me