Take a chance this weekend to give non-perishable food to local families in need. Mail carriers in Grand Rapids will be collecting bags of food from mailboxes in West Michigan for the Stamp Out Hunger food drive on Saturday.
Everyone in the community is encouraged to leave a bag of non-perishable food items by their mailbox on Saturday, May 12. Mail carriers will then pick them up and bring them to Feeding America West Michigan.
There's also the option to make a donation to Feeding America West Michigan online. All money donated through Stamp Out Hunger will support hungry families in need in West Michigan and the Upper Peninsula. $1 equals four meals directly into the community.
Stamp Out Hunger is happening all day on Saturday. People interested in volunteering for the event, or any other initiative at Feeding America West Michigan, can click here.
Learn more at feedwm.org/stampouthunger.