

Concert-goers discuss changes to B-93 Birthday Bash at Fifth Third Ballpark

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COMSTOCK PARK, Mich. -- Fifth Third Ballpark was packed with thousands of country music lovers Saturday for the annual B-93 Birthday Bash.

Country stars like Rascal Flatts and Gary Allan performed at the sold out event.

Concert-goers tell FOX 17 they're happy that organizers decided to bring it to Comstock Park this year.

“I’m 1,000% happy they did it here,” said Kodi Reynolds.

It's a concert Reynolds has been going to most of her life, no matter where the bash was held.

“I was a baby and my parents would take me growing up,” Reynolds said. “Way back in the day. Ionia, the speedway [US-131 Motorsports Park in Martin], everything in between.”

Reynolds said she loves the change in location, and the limited amount of people who can get into the ballpark.

“It just seems so organized. When in years past, it wasn’t as organized because you would have so many people,” Reynolds said. “I don’t think they had enough workers for all the people that would show up.

Reynolds gave credit to the change of having to purchase tickets in advance.

“The tickets aren’t even bad, people can still afford them,” said Reynolds. “It weeds out the people that just want to party and the riff raft.”

Another change to this year was the decrease in traffic jams. “I remember waiting on the side of the highway and it would cause so many jams on 131,” said Reynolds.

And others attending the concert tell FOX 17 they agree the changes are positive.

“I feel there’s a little more going on. Last time I was here, there was a lot of mud sliding, a little bit more chaos going on,” said Brandy Siwy.

More protocol changes have left some with mixed feelings.

“I wish you could bring a lawn chair or blanket; that’s the only thing I wish, we could do that,” said concert-goer Brook Benedict.

Others enjoyed not having to carry their own belongings.

“You don’t have to haul chairs," said Reynolds. "You have your own chairs here, you can stand by the stage, I just think it’s a really smart move.”

As for alcohol and food, you had to purchase what was available at the venue.

“Buying your own, you can enjoy it more," said Benedict. "With bringing your own, you’re just here to have a party.

"Most concerts you go to, you have to pay for your booze, anyways," said Reynolds. "It’s smart to have it [a restriction], and people can sneak in certain things they shouldn’t bring in [when you allow people to bring their own belongings], anyways.”

A fireworks show was scheduled after the concert.