Morning Mix


Dr. Bitner focuses on why sexual health is so important in a relationship

Posted at 10:41 AM, Nov 21, 2018
and last updated 2018-11-21 10:42:03-05

At Spectrum Health Medical Group, their mission is to improve the lives of the people and communities they serve. Dr. Diana Bitner,MD, is so grateful to have a practice which is focused on the health and well-being of women. It's called Midlife, Menopause, & Sexual Health  for a reason; Sexual Health is an important part of well-being and her team believes it is vital to address in order to care for the whole person. As the Director, she hates to see people and couples suffering for lack of knowledge, because of miscommunication or because of unnecessary pain with sex.

This time of the year can be very happy for many people, but can also be very stressful and involve family drama or sad memories. To face the stress and have as much enjoyment as possible, Dr. Bitner says it's important to focus on the people we love and deal with issues to not miss out on the gift and benefit of loving relationships.

Research shows that approximately 80 percent of women have questions or concerns about sexual health but only about 20 percent of women will bring up a conversation with their healthcare provider, Bitner stated. Many providers know it could be an issue, but not enough of are trained in sexual health to be able to give helpful information, and they don’t want to say the wrong thing. For that reason, Dr. Bitner has received training through ISSWSH and NAMS as well as her team, to be a resource for patients and the community. Bitner and her team love when they can help put women at ease so they can to talk about sexual health concerns.

Most people are surprised that there are approximately 27 reasons for low sexual desire and they are divided into three categories: physical, psychological and interpersonal. Most causes are usually able to be resolved or at least addressed and understood. Bitner added that women usually do not bring up questions unless they are asked and are usually embarrassed or think they are alone in their concerns.

Never feel embarrassed to talk to your provider about your sexual health. Dr. Bitner and her team are always there to help. To set up an appointment, call 616.267-8520. Their office is located at 3800 Lake Michigan Dr. NW Suite A, Grand Rapids.