There were three major propositions on the ballet in Michigan in November. Proposition 3, also known as “Promote the Vote Michigan,” was one of the three that passed in the election. Passing with nearly 67%, this proposition will become law in early December, making it easier to vote in Michigan. Tom Sinas, Grand Rapids personal injury attorney at Sinas Dramis Law Firm, explains why this proposition coming into law will make voting easier.
How Proposition 3 Changes Voter Registration
Before Proposition 3, voters were required to register to vote 30 days before an election day. This requirement meant anybody who was not registered before the 30 day time limit could not cast a ballot. However, now with the implementation of Proposition 3, citizens will be able to register on Election Day.
Proposition 3 Changing Absentee Ballots
Nothing is more convenient than voting in the privacy and comfort of your own home. No more waiting in long lines, taking hours out of busy days. Proposition 3 changes absentee voting from requiring a reason for why you cannot vote in person, to being able to vote using this method for no particular reason. Catching up with most other states, Michigan voters will now be able to vote via absentee ballots with the one condition of the ballot being submitted 15 days before Election Day.
Promote the Vote Michigan Brings Back Straight Voting Tickets
Previously taken off the ballot, Proposition 3 returns the option of straight ticket voting. This allows voters to fill in one bubble and vote for all candidates for their identifying party. Unfortunately, voting in this way does not allow voters to vote on judges since they non-partisan, but will make voting quicker and easier for many.
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