Most of us will never make it to the Olympics, but we all have the chance to run with an Olympian and raise money for a good back at the 30th Brian Diemer Family of Races.
The Diemer Family of Races offers more than $9,000 in prize money, a flat and fast course, and a chance to outrun Olympian Brian Diemer.
There will be a 5k Run, 5k Walk, 5k Wheelchair/Handcycle Division, 1000 Meter Kids Steeplechase, and a Junior Jog. Live bands also play along the race route, participating in the event’s Band Battle.
Plus, the runners who outrun Brian Diemer, win a donut. Brian Diemer, is a former track and field athlete, and the 1984 Summer Olympic Bronze Medal Winner of the 3000-meter steeplechase.
Over the past 30 years, the event has raised more than $250,000 for charity.
Brian Diemer Family of Races will take place on June 8 in Cutlerville. The cost is $30 for the 5K and $10 for the Kids Steeplechase and Jr Jog.
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