WEST MICHIGAN — As the headline reads, Monday is indeed a Clean Air Action Day for four counties in West Michigan. If you’re not familiar with it, clean air action days are similar to the old ozone action day. It simply means that the air quality for certain groups like the elderly, very young, and folks with breathing or asthma may find it difficult to be outside.
While ozone may be of benefit in the upper levels of the atmosphere by protecting us from the harmful UV rays of the sun, it has the opposite effect when it forms here at the surface. It’s basically ground pollution. How does it form? The vapors from topping off the gas tank in your car while fueling can create ground level ozone. Running gas powered equipment like lawn-mowers and weed-wackers can do the same. That said, organizations such as the West Michigan Clean Air Coalition asks that you stop/refrain from these types of activities on clean air action days. Wait for another day to refuel or cut the grass. It really does make a difference. Click here to see their website and learn more.
This week will feature temperatures in the 90s and high humidity. It will actually (at times) feel between 95 and at least 100 degrees. This type of hot, sticky, and sometimes stagnant air mass makes it tough for certain groups of people to breath. There’s a good chance we may see more of these clean air action days issued over the next several days, so make sure to stay up on the forecast. As of now, MUSKEGON/OTTAWA/ALLEGAN/KENT Counties are under the advisory.
You can ride the Rapid and Max buses for free Monday due to the Clean Air Action Day.
Get the complete West Michigan forecast at www.fox17online.com/weather.