

Miniature horse visits children in the hospital

Posted 3:22 AM, Oct 23, 2019
and last updated 3:23 AM, Oct 23, 2019

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. - Children at Helen Devos Children's Hospital met an unusual visitor on their floors.

Fred the miniature horse is one of three parts of the nonprofit called Little Horses Big Smiles, Inc.

"We bring the horses because it's a lot of fun for the kids," said Ronica Froese, who runs the nonprofit. "I love volunteering for the kids. We visit once a month for the children. It's a joy like no other."

Fred wears shoes on his hooves and a vest to designate him a s a therapy animal.

At 14 months old, Fred is just as old as some of the children he comforts.

"I think he was excited to see Fred the pony come in today," said Kelly Dykstra, whose son Elliot had an opportunity to meet. "It was nice to get out of the room and be interactive."

The miniature horses also visit other hospitals in the area.

You can learn more about the nonprofit here.