WEST MICHIGAN — Spending time in the community, creating a positive impact, and paying it forward are primary goals for FOX 17 News. Haleigh Vaughn, our evening meteorologist, pays it forward in West Michigan by participating with Girls on the Run.
She is a board member for Girls on the Run West Michigan, and she has volunteered with Girls on the Run Southeast Michigan.

Haleigh Vaughn used to participate in the program as a young girl, and she always knew she wanted to pay it forward one day.
The Girls on the Run organization is near and dear to my heart! When I was a little girl, I participated in the program. I have no doubt that it helped lead me to where I am today.
The Girls on the Run program is about far more than simply running. It unites young people together, teaches them to lift each other up, and encourages them to harness their own limitless potential. The program motivates everyone to understand that they can do anything they set their mind to.
I used to be terrified of storms and tornadoes as a young girl growing up in West Michigan. Shaking like a leaf, I would watch the meteorologists in West Michigan. They were the calm in my storm. Instead of letting the fear get to me, I decided to harness my own limitless potential and become a meteorologist. I studied at Central Michigan University, slowly allowing my once fear to become my passion.
GOTR provided me the ability to find my inner strength, and I’m so proud of each young person participating in the program. GOTR is more than just a running event … it’s about community connection, finding your inner power, and knowing you can do anything you set your mind to.
I’m honored to be on the board of Girls on the Run West Michigan!

Girls on the Run is an after-school program that is offered in many communities, and there are several branches within West Michigan. Girls on the Run West Michigan focuses on Kent, Muskegon, and Ottawa counties. Girls on the Run Greater Kalamazoo focuses on the Greater Kalamazoo area and Allegan County. Girls on the Run Southwest Michigan focuses on Berrien, Cass, St. Joseph, and Van Buren counties.
Young girls between 3rd and 5th grade can participate in the Girls on the Run program, and there is also a similar program for grades 6th through 8th called Heart and Sole. The young participants aren't the only people who grow from this experience. Each school needs volunteer coaches! Coaches often share that they have just as positive of an experience as the young ladies.