MUSKEGON, Mich. — Some people are built for the thrill.
Take storm chasers, for example, who head straight toward the action during a severe weather event.
A group in West Michigan does something similar, but instead of storms, they track down spirits.
Introducing you to the Great Lakes Spirit Seekers.
"We're a paranormal team based out of West Michigan," said Co-Founder Sondra Hoffmeyer.
Hoffmeyer and Candi Hess, the other Co-Founder, explained they created the group three years ago.
"We had both been on other teams in the past and decided we want to do this on our own and form our own team," Hoffmeyer said.
The team has grown to eight people with one goal — investigate the possibility of paranormal activity in West Michigan's spookiest spots.
How haunted is West Michigan, you might ask them?
"Very," Hoffmeyer said. "We've had a lot of personal experiences in West Michigan, as well as places we've gone that have had activity."
She added, “actual interactions in terms of seeing spirits and things are really really rare. But, people will see shadows or different things out of the corner, they'll hear things.”
Hoffmeyer and Hess said most of the evidence they've collected has been picked up by their equipment.
Great Lakes Spirit Seekers Paranormal Equipment by WXMI on Scribd
The Great Lakes Spirit Seekers have investigated several spots in West Michigan.
FOX 17 tagged along during the group's most recent investigation at the Torrent House in Muskegon, a former 31-room mansion built by John Torrent, a lumberman and three-term Muskegon mayor, who passed away inside the home.

Since then, it's been transformed into a funeral home, a mortuary and a hospital.
Today, it houses an extension of the Hackley Library, but, as the story goes, the tales inside come from more than just the books on the shelves.
Click the video at the top of this article to watch the investigation when it gets posted later tonight.
If you're interested in learning more about the Great Lakes Spirit Seekers, or want them to investigate a location of interest, you can learn more by visiting their website, linked in this article, or their Facebook page.