Hello, West Michigan!
My name is Lauren Lendzion. I joined the FOX17 family as a Reporter in August of 2024 and am incredibly excited to serve the community and tell your stories!
I grew up on the east side of the state in the Metro-Detroit area where my passion for helping people and storytelling began at a young age. My curiosity, determination to reveal the truth, and push for accountability, served as the platform that eventually launched me into a career in Journalism. However, I took a bit of an unconventional route to get here.
In 2016, I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Broadcast Journalism from Michigan State University. Go Green! From there, I stepped into the sales world where I served as a Mortgage Banker at a Detroit-based company. A few years later, I decided to take on a new role where I served as the Executive Director of a non-profit where I helped increase resources for Detroit Public Schools. At this point, you might be asking, ‘How did those roles lead to a career in Journalism?’ Well, while I thoroughly enjoyed serving my community in a variety of different ways, my passion for storytelling always remained a fire that burned down deep, and in the end, God’s plan superseded all.
In May of 2022, I started my career in Journalism as a producer on the morning show for FOX 47 in Lansing where I soon transitioned into a full-time role as a Reporter. During that time, I covered a variety of topics within the Lansing community, hyper-focused on reporting the news happenings across MSU’s campus. It was a pleasure serving my alma-mater as a Reporter, and I continue to be grateful for the opportunity that reignited my passion for storytelling and set the stage for where I am now, and for what lies ahead.
Here at FOX17, I am committed to serving YOU, West Michigan, with honesty, integrity, and transparency. Thank you in advance for allowing me into your homes every day, and for the opportunity to serve you and do what I love!