Morning Mix


Back to School Technology Tips

Save money & get a better connection!

Connectivity to the internet has become a basic necessity for many as students return to school.

Michelle from Xfinity joins the Fox 17 Morning Mix to share some great money-saving tips on how parents can get their kids the best quality internet without breaking the bank.

Just like a mobile phone or laptop, internet equipment sometimes needs to download updates from the web. “Power cycling” internet equipment is an A+ best practice.

Eligible consumers can take advantage of the federal government’s Affordable Connectivity Program to get a $30 discount on home internet service. This discount can also be used toward mobile service.   

Instead of buying brand-new devices, consider purchasing a refurbished laptop, tablet, or smartphone.   

Sometimes, resolving internet issues in the home is as simple as tightening cables - this situation is often overlooked.   

Location. Location. Location. Hiding internet equipment can limit WiFi signal strength. We can share where the best/worst places to position your modem and router in the home.