Morning Mix


CASA of Kent County needs more volunteers to help advocate for children


Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Kent County organizes and empowers community members to provide best-interest advocacy for children in Kent County’s child welfare system. The unique program connects concerned citizens with the family court to make a lasting impact in the lives of children who have experienced abuse and neglect.
With roughly 600 children in the Kent County child welfare system at any given moment, resources and personnel are stretched to maximum capacity. Every day, judges must make life-changing decisions on behalf of these children, often with limited information. Children who have experienced abuse and neglect need someone to be their voice in court.
CASA of Kent County provides best-interest advocacy through highly trained volunteers who give vulnerable children a voice in the court system. Information gathered by a CASA volunteer helps a judge make an informed decision based on the child’s best interest with the goal of helping them reach a safe, permanent home as quickly as possible.
There is a great need for volunteers. CASA volunteers are passionate about the well-being of children in their community, but they are not all alike. They come from different backgrounds and have different lived experiences. Some are students, some are working, some are retired, and some are stay-at-home parents. They bring a variety of skills and knowledge to their role as a volunteer. They also bring the perspective of their race and culture. Each advocate is unique, and that uniqueness is leveraged in advocacy for a child.
While CASA volunteers are important advocates in the family court system, they do not need any special legal or social work training. They also do not need to be licensed foster parents because they do not provide care or housing for children. Instead, CASA volunteers come as they are, with open minds and open hearts.
CASA's Annual Luncheon is Friday, April 25 from 11:30-1:00 at Frederick Meijer Gardens and Sculpture Park. It's a wonderful opportunity to learn more about the organization and connect with donors and volunteers. It's free to attend, but donations are accepted.