Morning Mix


Connect Me Tutoring provides K-8 students with free academic assistance online


Schooling is great, but between sick days and snow days, athletics, clubs, and life, sometimes it's hard for students to keep up. Finding a qualified tutor can be expensive and difficult, but there's a non-profit that provides highly qualified tutors for free through an online service.

Connect Me Tutoring is a free online resource that connects students in Kindergarten through 8th grade to volunteer tutors through their online portal.

Founder, board chair, and Michigan native Mehmet Tascioglu started online tutoring as a way to make extra money when he was a junior in high school. During the pandemic in 2020, he saw a need for students needing extra help with their schooling since they couldn't connect with their teachers outside the virtual classroom. Many students in his area also couldn't afford qualified tutors or extra help, so he saw the need and transformed his business into a non-profit to help more students in need.

Anyone can apply, and it's easy to sign up. Learn more at

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