Morning Mix


Corewell Health offers more ways for individuals to better align their care to personal health goals


To help minimize patient health care costs, Corewell Health, formerly Spectrum Health, is offering more ways for individuals to better align their care to personal health goals and lifestyle needs. The move comes as the health system looks to offer more than just a one-size-fits-all approach to health care and find meaningful ways to remove barriers that get in the way of accessing quality and more affordable care.

Dr. Erica Stevens, regional division chief for family practice at Corewell Health, shares ways the organization is offering more personalized care to its diverse patient base.

Corewell health is taking primary care to a much more personalized level by:

  • Providing a full range of options, giving people more choices that better fit their lifestyle and health needs.  
  • Offering choices such as being able to select a virtual-only care program for people who might be always on the go or an advanced primary care program for someone that needs help with financial aid or transportation services as part of their care. 
  • Providing better education on how to choose a primary care provider.
  • Taking a more whole-person approach to health care that’s proactive, preventive, coordinated, and more affordable.

By doing this, Corewell Health is moving away from the one-size-fits-all care and migrating towards a more value-based approach based on better patient outcomes, resulting in the most cost-effective care for the patient. The more the care matches their needs, the better chance they have for improved health, staying healthy and reducing longer-term healthcare costs.

By reducing the barriers to care and offering important options like transportation assistance and longer appointments for advanced primary care patients and financial aid, free interpreting services in over 20 languages, and gender-affirming care for other patients, we are ensuring everyone can get the care they need based on the program they choose.

Quizzes are available to help patients find the potential fit for their lifestyle and care.

To switch medical programs or learn which option is right for you, visit for a description of all the programs.

Medical Moment is sponsored by Corewell Health.