Fathers with young daughters have a great parenting resource only offered here in West Michigan. The nonprofit, Daddy Daughter Time, offers a way for fathers looking to build stronger bonds with their daughters.
The organization hosts monthly events exclusively for Dads with young daughters who are typically, but not limited to, girls aged between 4 and 14. These events can be attended by both members and non-members of the group alike with members receiving half-off discounts and access to four of the events at no cost.
More and more research continues to emerge that validates the importance of an active and involved father for young girls. The data shows that early pregnancy rates, drug use, and suicide rates drop while test scores, positive body image, and graduation rates all rise in young women when there is a supportive and engaged father or father figure in the home.
The volunteer run organization is 100% supported by local donors and is actively seeking both from those who can give of their time or money to further its cause.
Jimmy Hensley, vice president of the board for Daddy Daughter Time, paid us a visit to tell us more about the organization and how those wanting to support it and get involved can do so. You can also learn more at the website: www.ddtime.org.