Morning Mix


Embellish Handbells invites you to join them for their annual Holiday Concert


There are so many different holiday concerts across West Michigan to help people get into the holiday spirit: choirs, orchestras, and the unique option of handbells. Embellish Handbells, West Michigan's premier handbell ensemble, invites the community to join them for a night of music and fun at their upcoming holiday concert.

This year’s concert will feature both Embellish and Campana performing songs in the theme of “Angels & Demons.” Guests will be listening to a variety of holiday classics, including "Sleigh Ride" and "Angels We Have Heard on High."

Embellish was founded in 1995 to be a professional-level group that promotes the art of handbell ringing by providing a high-quality musical experience for diverse audiences.

The concert will take place on December 12 at Mayflower Congregational Church at 7:30 p.m.

Purchase tickets in advance at