Morning Mix


Get help finding childcare with Great Start to Quality Kent Resource Center


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As many families transition from summer schedules to the start of a new school year, their need for child care also changes. Great Start to Quality by Kent ISD helps families during this transition by providing the tools to find childcare in the West Michigan area.

Using the Great Start to Quality website, parents can find all kinds of options for child care and preschool and tools to help them determine which option is the best fit for their family.

Kent ISD also provides help for childcare providers. They provide support in improving and maintaining quality for providers and programs that are part of Great Start to Quality. Providers can create a profile on GSQ so parents can see the options they offer.

There are checklists for every type of child care offered, including questions to ask for provides in a child care center, a home setting, a school-based early childhood program, or a program for school-aged children. The program covers children from birth to age 12.

When children are in a high-quality program in their first five years, they are given a safe place to learn, explore their world, and build relationships. By being in this type of environment, the foundation is set for them to be successful in school, work, and life.

The program is free and everyone is eligible to connect with Great Start to Quality Kent Resource Center by visiting their website.