Morning Mix


Here's what's new at John Ball Zoo this summer


It's one of the most popular family activities in the area, a trip to the John Ball Zoo! For those who haven't been to the zoo recently, there are a few new animals and exhibits to check out this summer and fall.

New animals at the zoo this year are the Koalas from San Diego Zoo! They will be visiting the zoo throughout the summer, so be sure to stop by their enclosure to say hello. Pygmy Hippos are expected to come to the zoo in 2023.

Events perfect for the kids and adults in July are Princess Days and Roaring Nights.

Then upcoming in the fall of 2022, Living Lights by Illumizoo will return for the whole month of October, Wizarding Weekends, and Zoo Goes Boo.

To learn more about these events and to purchase tickets, go to

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