Morning Mix


How to transform your home from "nice" to "wow"

Feat. DIY master Marian Parsons
Posted 3:20 PM, Oct 11, 2021

DIY shows always show rundown, historical homes, and transform them into something amazing in under an hour.

Author and DIYer Marian Parsons, also known as Miss Mustard Seed online, shares her vision of how to transform a boring-looking home into one full of textures, colors, and character with her new book, "Feels Like Home: Transforming Your Space from Uninspiring to Uniquely Yours."

Four years ago Marian Parsons was searching for her dream home, a hundred-year-old farmhouse with good bones. Instead, her family bought a 13-year-old, cookie-cutter suburban house, and Parsons realized the sea of beige simply needed an injection of character. It needed to be filled with the things that carry stories, the colors, textures, and pieces that would make it feel like home.

Parsons has filled her new book with instruction, inspiration, motivation, and encouragement for any reader wanting to create a customized, beautiful home. Through inspiring four-color pictures, practical tips, and easy-to-implement tutorials, she shows readers how to transform the predictably basic and builder-grade house into an easily obtainable customized, character-rich home.

In the book, she talks about five secrets to take your house from nice to wow, you did this?! The five steps to creating a room that is uniquely yours are:

1. Select a statement piece
2. Identify the focal point
3. Bring on the layers
4. Show off your personality
5. Add the Unexpected

To learn more about Marian, head to her website,