Morning Mix


MI author Christopher Cosmos releases second novel, “Young Conquerors”


Michigan author Christopher Cosmos released his second novel, “Young Conquerors,” a story about a young man who was never meant to be king becoming the greatest conqueror the world has ever seen.

Set in Pella, Greece in 341 B.C. Alexandros is a middle child caught between mom and dad – a queen and king- but never meant to rule himself. When a mysterious young man arrives from the north, fleeing his own family, and meets Alexandros in a garden in the Macedonian capital, the bond that's created between them will soon become unbreakable and ultimately define both the direction of the Ancient World and ours.

“Young Conquerors” is a novel about the vast mysteries of the human heart that gives two of the most important figures in history the love story they deserve and shows how Alexandros, later called "the Great," was shaped, formed, and ultimately turned into the man who would go on to become the greatest conqueror and visionary the world had ever seen, all told through the eyes of the one he loved, and who knew him best.

"Young Conquerors" is now available online and wherever books are sold.

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