Morning Mix


Paws With A Cause in need of foster families for service puppies in training


Paws with a Cause is searching for dog lovers who want to help foster their service pups in training.

Volunteer Foster Puppy Raisers play a crucial part in providing future assistance dogs with a loving home, care, and basic obedience training. Puppies will need a place to live from the age of 8 weeks to 15 months and will stay with their foster family until they're old enough to perform their formal assistance dog training.

Foster Puppy Raisers are required to perform the following tasks:

  • Provide a loving home for the puppy
  • Meet the puppy’s daily exercise and nutrition needs
  • Attend monthly training classes provided by your local PAWS Puppy Club or PAWS Headquarters
  • Work on training and basic commands at home
  • Keep the puppy’s vaccinations and heartworm medications up to date

Paws With A Cause understands that fostering a puppy is a big responsibility, so they offer different time commitments to fit fosters' lifestyles. Foster Puppy Raisers can choose between hosting a puppy for the full time of 14-15 months, or co-raise with another family during that same time frame. They also have an option where you can host a puppy at the beginning stages of their training, or towards the end when they're more mature.
Paws With A Cause is located at 4646 Division Ave S in Wayland.

Apply and learn more at