Morning Mix


"Stay Sane in an Insane World" author Greg Harden shares how to thrive in today's world

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University of Michigan Athletic Counselor Greg Harden has been transforming lives for decades. His latest book, "Stay Sane in an Insane World: How to Control the Controllables and Thrive" is on the New York Times Best Seller List, and his approach to life is one many follow with athletes like Tom Brady following his methods.

Greg Harden joined the Fox 17 Morning Mix via Zoom to share his advice on how to stay sane in an insane world.

In the book, Harden covers six key mental fitness tenants to "stay sane" and thrive in today's modern world of busyness and stress:

  • 100%, 100% of the time: Practice, train & rehearse so extreme effort is second nature.
  • Stop fearing fear: When fear and self-doubt are predictable, they become manageable.
  • Control the controllables: Emotions, reactions, and responses must be mastered first.
  • Commit, improve & maintain: Small improvements daily are vital to a transformed life.
  • Be the world’s greatest expert on you: The only way to become the best version of yourself.
  • Practice self-love & self-acceptance: The keys to eliminating & replacing self-defeating attitudes & behaviors.

Harden also says there are "Four A’s" that all people need to make their lives work:
Attention: We all need attention, at the very least from our friends and loved ones. The lack of attention is isolation, and prolonged isolation causes one to become depressed and withdrawn.

Affection: Affection isn’t just a nice, warm, fuzzy thing that we get to have in our lives if we’re lucky. It is as essential to us as food and water.

Approval: We like to think of ourselves as independent human beings, but face it—the need for approval is one of the strongest driving forces in the world.

Acceptance: I put this one last for a reason. While approval is often based on conditional love, acceptance is truly unconditional.

"Stay Sane in an Insane World" is available on Amazon.