Morning Mix


Versiti Blood Center of Michigan issues emergency appeal for blood donations

Versiti says the state’s blood supply is at a dangerously low point, putting patients at risk

Versiti Blood Center of Michigan has issued an emergency appeal for blood donations, asking community members to make an appointment to donate blood as soon as possible.

Heading into the fall, Versiti has seen a drastic drop in scheduled appointments. With an aging donor base and increased need, first-time blood donors are desperately needed.

While Versiti strives for a three-day supply of available blood for local hospitals, the organization currently has less than a one-day supply on the shelves. Not only does this potentially put people's lives at risk, but it limits the ability to respond to the need for blood should the unexpected occur. Every two seconds, someone needs lifesaving blood to survive. One donation can save up to three lives.

The donation process, including registration and testing, takes about an hour. Because your body constantly replaces blood and fluids, blood donation doesn't take a major toll on the human body.

Anyone age 16 or older in good health who meets eligibility requirements is encouraged to give. Parental consent is required for donors age 16 to donate blood. Donors should bring a photo ID that includes their birth date.

All blood types are needed, with types O-positive and O-negative most in demand.

To schedule an appointment to donate blood, call (866) 642-5663 or visit Walk-in donors are also welcome at any of Versiti's donation centers:

Farmington Hills - 29305 Orchard Lake Rd.

Grand Rapids - 1036 Fuller NE

Grandville - 3140 Wilson SW

St. Joseph - 2710 Cleveland Ave.

Kalamazoo Area - 524 East Milham Ave.

Saginaw - 1771 Tittabawassee Rd.

Bay City Donor Center - 1017 North Johnson St.

Midland Dow Diamond - 825 East Main St.

Traverse City - 2575 Aero Park Dr.

Gaylord - 133 W. Main St. Suite 101