Morning Mix


Will & Colleen Ashley share their joyful journey of being foster parents

National Foster Care Month

There are over a quarter of a million children in the foster care system. For those who have ever considered opening up their heart and home to be a foster parent, you’ll want to hear from someone who has done it before and give firsthand insight.

Will and Colleen Ashley have experience fostering kids, and it changed their lives. They wanted their home to be kids’ last stop in foster care, whether that meant a child’s last move before going back to their home and family or adopting if a child in their care couldn’t go home. That’s how they became a family with 10 children—eight still in their home and their foster license still active.

In recognition of National Foster Care Month, Will and Colleen join the Fox 17 Morning Mix and share their years of experience fostering children through Bethany Christian Services.

Learn more about becoming a foster parent by visiting