
GM required employees to confidentially report vaccination status

General Motors
and last updated

DETROIT (WXYZ) — General Motors has required COVID-19 vaccination status reports from all U.S. salaried employees in order to assess safety protocols.

Employees had until August 24 to submit their vaccination status.

A GM spokesperson issued the following statement regarding the requirement:

“In response to increasing COVID-19 positive case rates across the U.S., and GM’s ongoing commitment to employees’ safety, the company earlier this month implemented an expanded vaccination status reporting process that was mandatory for all U.S. salaried employees. We gathered this information via a confidential online tool. The reporting of our employees’ vaccination status is helping GM Medical assess the overall immunity of our employee population and determine when GM should relax or strengthen certain COVID-19 safety protocols as recommended by the CDC and OSHA, such as mask-wearing, physical distancing, and facility occupancy rates.”

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