
WMU requires masks to be worn indoors, effective immediately

and last updated

KALAMAZOO, Mich. — Western Michigan University students, staff and visitors are all required to wear face masks indoors, the school announced on its website Wednesday.

We’re told the policy takes effect immediately.

“The updated expectations announced today are intended to safeguard all of us in the face of a newly rising case rate locally,” says WMU. “When the transmission rate falls to below the ‘substantial’ threshold, our mask requirement will return to our previous policy of requiring masks for students, faculty and staff who have not verified their vaccination status in the Sindecuse Health Center patient portal.”

The university encourages those who have not been vaccinated to schedule an appointment here.

Director of Strategic Communications Paula M. Davis released the following statement regarding the school's announcement:

"Today our COVID-19 response team announced that effective immediately the University is requiring everyone—including those who are fully vaccinated—to wear a mask indoors at all University facilities. As stated in that announcement, leaders are continuously monitoring the course of the virus, staying up to date on the latest public health guidance and responding accordingly. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends mask use indoors in areas where there is 'substantial' or 'high' coronavirus transmission. We just crossed that threshold into substantial transmission in Kalamazoo County by the CDC's assessment, and so the University's masking expectation for students, faculty and staff was revised."

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