MUSKEGON, Mich. — Gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon held a campaign rally in Muskegon Friday.
The gubernatorial candidate was joined by two high figures in the Republican Party. Don Jr. and Kellyanne Conway, who did throw their support behind their candidate.
Dixon got national attention early Friday when she made this remark at a meet and greet in Troy, "for someone so worried about being kidnapped, Gretchen Whitmer is sure good at taking businesses hostage and holding it for ransom."

Not long into her speech Dixon addressed that statement.
"You know what Gretchen Whitmer said she's so worried about kidnapping. She shouldn't have held our businesses hostage, and they were like, she made this joke about kidnapping. And I'm like, No, that wasn't a joke. If you were afraid of that, you should know what it is to have your life ripped away from you. That was a joke what I just said," Dixon said.
Don Jr. and Kellyanne Conway spoke in front of the crowd of hundreds to drum up support for their candidate.
"I think the base is very unified. I think the establishment Republicans often in government who haven't delivered all that much, frankly, for America in the last few decades. They're not unified," Trump Jr said.
"So speak up, stand up, show up and put up and bring along other people because they see you. And they say I like you and you're like me and that's how you bring people along," Conway said.
People showed hours ahead of the rally. Dixon commented in her speech that she knew many came out to see Trump Jr. more than her.
"Honestly, I am just here to absorb the energy of the good people that are here. I was in DC on January 6th, and it was one of the most positive experiences of my life. Just being around good positive energy is why I am here," Gabe Shillman said.
"I wanted to hear what she has to say. I have heard her before, but wanted to hear here closer to the election especially on the case of abortion and see what that is and I wanted to hear the other speakers as well," Vicki Gross told FOX17.
Dixon addressed the crowd for about 15 minutes on many key issues like proposal three.
"I haven't heard her stand against this ballot initiative that would allow that legally to happen chemical castration of our children without us knowing I haven't heard her stand against that. Where is Gretchen Whitmer?," she added.
Dixon's speech, which focused on what she said were issues with Governor Gretchen Whitmer, also mentioned education and a significant amount of funding for law enforcement.
"We're presenting a plan, and that's why we just presented our plan for police to make sure that we put a billion new dollars into our law enforcement," Dixon said.
READ MORE: Tudor Dixon announces $1 billion 'Building a Safe State' plan