GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Michiganders have voted to approve Proposal 1, which will amend the Michigan Constitution to change how long legislators can serve in the state House and Senate and require them to file public financial disclosure.
The Associated Press projected the ballot proposal would pass around 3:30 Wednesday morning.
Proposal 1 is separated into two main parts: The first requires top state officials to disclose some financial information after 2023, things like income sources and assets of state lawmakers, the governor, the secretary of state, and the attorney general.

Those reports would have to include assets, liabilities, income, positions held, gifts from lobbyists, future employment agreement gifts, travel reimbursements and other payments.
The second deals with term limits for state legislators, replacing the current limits of six years in the House and eight years in the Senate from a 14-year total to a 12-year total in any combination of service in the House or Senate.
Before putting the proposal on the ballot, the state Legislature did weaken it. The original proposal would have required some officials to disclose income and payments received from anyone, but the Legislature changed it to registered lobbyist.
A bipartisan group called Voters for Transparency and Term Limits is behind Prop 1.
Opponents to the measure filed a lawsuit in the Michigan Supreme Court arguing that because the proposal had two different purposes that it shouldn’t be allowed on the ballot. That lawsuit was struck down.
Proposal 1 was one of three statewide ballot measures being voted on this election.
You can find full election results and more 2022 midterm coverage on the FOX 17 website.