

Ex-DPD Chief James Craig forms exploratory committee to run for Michigan governor

Chief James Craig for Governor
and last updated

(WXYZ) — Former Detroit Police Chief James Craig announced Wednesday morning he has formed an exploratory committee as the first step in a run for Michigan governor.

Craig, 65, will run as a Republican against Gov. Gretchen Whitmer next year and is the biggest name to enter the Republican field.

In a video posted to the website, Craig talks about the Black Lives Matter protests last year, and other civil unrests in American history.

WATCH: Former Detroit Police Chief announces committee to pursue Governor's office

Near the end of the video, Craig touches on a variety of other topics.

"I know how important it is to fix education. I know what's going on with small businesses. Let's solve the employment concern today," he said.

Craig retired on June 1 on then gave his first political speech in front of the Jackson County Republicans earlier this month.

During that speech, he said he voted for Donald Trump both times, and is against abortion, supports gun rights, the military and more.

“You are born a Democrat. But over time as you have your own life experiences, and the opportunity to form your own worldview, you come to your own conclusions,” he said during the speech.