

Help the Detroit Zoo name its newest sea otter!

Detroit Zoo otter
and last updated

(WXYZ) — The Detroit Zoo needs help naming its newest resident! A male sea otter is being welcomed into the zoo and the wildlife organization is asking the community to use its dollars to help name the new local friend.

Detroit Zoo otter

The names being considered are Finn, Eli, Kai, Hurley, and Misu.

To cast a vote, you must donate at least $5 towards a name. Individuals can vote as many times as they want until May 18.

The name with the most donations will be named the winner and all proceeds raised will be used to support the Detroit Zoological Society’s worldwide conservation efforts.

To vote, click here.

The thoughts behind the name according to the Detroit Zoo:
Finn — a playful reference to a sea otter’s fins.
Eli — inspired by the Chinook word for sea otter, “Elakha.”
Kai — inspired by the Chinook word for sea otter, “Elakha.”
Hurley — a traditional Irish surname meaning “sea tide.”
Misu — a Miwok name meaning “ripple in the water.”