

James and Jennifer Crumbley appear in court Friday


(WXYZ) — James and Jennifer Crumbley, the parents of the Oxford High School shooter, faced a judge on Friday.

It comes just days after their son, Ethan, admitted to killing four of his classmates and shooting seven others in a mass shooting inside the high school on Nov. 30.

Both are charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter in connection with the shooting.

The hearing will focus on expert testimony ahead of their trial, which is scheduled to begin in January.

The judge heard testimony from a professor who collected data on mass shootings. She said one warning sign is called leakage.

That's where the shooter journals or even tells people he is thinking about violence.

The defense said the professor's testimony is not relevant to the case, and testimony is still ongoing.

In court on Monday, the now 16-year-old Ethan indicated that he gave his father money to buy the gun used during the mass shooting.

He admitted to all 24 counts he was charged with, including first-degree murder and terrorism. Following that trial date, the judge also set at rial date for James and Jennifer scheduled for Jan. 17, 2023.

There has been some back and forth between the defense and the prosection. The attorneys for the parents have tried to get the case tossed out, and have argued that their clients won't be able to get a fair trial.

Earlier this month, the parents' attorneys filed motions – one arguing they are not directly responsible for those four deaths nearly a year ago.

At this point, their case has not been toss out, so it's moving forward.