GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — More orange barrels are set to appear on Division Avenue in downtown Grand Rapids as a full street reconstruction project is slated to begin March 3.
The construction project will include utility upgrades, separated storm and sanitary sewers, new street trees and lighting, narrower roadways and wider sidewalks as well as raised bike lanes. However, residents and workers in the area are expressing their frustration with the disruptions.

“I’m just not too happy I work in the area and it’s already been closed down for quite some time and it just makes it harder to get around with work,” said Jenna Chase.
Martiana Turner echoed those concerns, stating, “It's been beyond annoying: the detour signs, the flashing red traffic lights. You obviously can’t ride through on a red light, so we can’t even ride down the street for nine months.”
Organizations in the area appear more prepared for the construction thanks to recent city-hosted webinars. Kate Assarian, administrative associate with St. Mark Episcopal Church, noted, “If it wasn't coordinated with the city, the entire road is going to be torn up and there's going to be a lot of debris along the sidewalk. And if there was not the assurance that we'd maintain access to all the buildings and to at least one sidewalk on one side of the street, then that would be a problem.”

The city of Grand Rapids also held a virtual meeting Wednesday afternoon for the public to provide details about the upcoming work. “Construction hours are typically 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Occasionally you'll see work on Sunday,” Juan Torres, city community engagement representative, stated. "The project will commence just north of Fulton and progress through the Fountain intersection next week, with Fountain expected to close temporarily. An additional closure will occur in May when Monroe Center from Ionia to Division closes for approximately six weeks."

Despite the preparations, some who work in the area remain skeptical.
Johanna O'Brien expressed her concerns, saying, “I think it's going to create a lot of chaos downtown. It's a small area to have a lot of cars accumulating, people going to work, school and other places.” O'Brien added that during previous construction, she had to take a different route and anticipates more stress during her commute this time around.
“Anticipating longer leave time in the morning, more chaos, more stress, try to leave a little bit earlier,” she said.
Construction on Division Avenue is expected to wrap up sometime in November. Commuters hope not to encounter too many issues as work progresses.
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