GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Michigan Veteran Homes at Grand Rapids planted more than 5,000 flags at fallen heroes’ gravesites Wednesday.
This event was open to the public and held at 2950 Monroe Avenue NE in Grand Rapids.
It included the legacy flag planting and remarks by Tiffany Carr, community engagement coordinator for Michigan Veteran Homes.
“It makes a beautiful connection for both our salute to the veterans who have served, as well as these potential young kids who may be serving in our future. The partnership is 100% focused on the American flag and honoring those who have fallen as Memorial Day comes about,” said Carr.
Boy Scout Troop 344 from Wyoming led a brief prayer before local scouts from Comstock Park Cub Scout Pack 3373 led the pledge of allegiance.
The VFW #702 Auxiliary also served hot dogs and refreshments.
“It is the only state owned and operated veterans cemetery, which a lot of folks don’t always know that, and so we are just very proud to have it. It takes a lot of groups and volunteers to help, from raking leaves to picking up the flags. And we just appreciate the community support as well,” said Carr.
The flag planting event concluded with a final salute and the playing of Taps led by Rick Conklin, who participated in this annual event as a former Boy Scout.