GRAND RAPIDS, Mich — Sherelle Hogan aims to reach every child of incarcerated parents in the state of Michigan.
"Currently there are 2.7 million children in this country that [have] a parent incarcerated. And 228,000 of those young people are in Michigan," Hogan told FOX 17 News.
Hogan grew up with both parents behind bars.
"My mother went to prison when I was six, and my father went to prison when I was seven," she explained. "I thought it was my fault that my parents were incarcerated. So I always replayed in my mind, what did I do wrong? Did I ask for too many toys? Or did I ask for too much as a child?"
In 2015, Hogan created a nonprofit in Detroit called The Pure Heart Foundation, to offer critical support services to help kids of incarcerated parents break the cycle.
This spring, she's bringing her efforts to West Michigan.

"There's a huge stigma that's attached and associated with having a parent incarcerated. And people automatically see you as the next person that will be behind bars instead of being a child," Hogan told FOX 17 News. "You almost share that sentence with your parents. And you share the guilt, the embarrassment, you know, the negative comments, the judgment."
The Pure Heart Foundation is launching a new chapter in Grand Rapids, with plans to open a building on the southeast side.
Hogan said they've already identified 75 local families in need of support.
"A child of incarcerated parents is seven times more likely to become incarcerated themselves. So breaking that cycle of incarceration and doing that... in their early stages of their life, having this organization work through all their other efforts, through their mentoring, tutoring sports program, arts programs, really taking just this interest in these children's life," said Grand Rapids Police Chief Eric Winstrom. "They've seen it make... just all the difference in the world. And I'm excited for that same success to be brought here to West Michigan."
The Pure Heart Foundation includes a number of resources in the following areas:
*Mental Health
- Emotional support
*Academic Enrichment
- Tutoring
- Mentoring
*Family reunification
- Helping kids maintain a connection with parents
*Recreation and Arts
- Field trips
*Cycle breaker initiative
- Support for scholars after high school, ages 18-24
Hogan says more than 2,000 scholars, as participants are called, have benefited from the program.
"Zero percent of them have entered the criminal justice system and 100 percent have maintained... 100 percent high school graduation rate, and 100 percent academic matriculation," Hogan said.
Saturday, April 29, a 'Bowl with a Pure Heart' fundraiser is being held at Spectrum Lanes from 12:30 p.m.- 3:30 p.m.
To register for the event, click here.
To register a scholar, click here.