GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. — Startling video shared with FOX 17 by the police department shows what's being investigated as a drag racing incident ending in a crash.
It happened near Fish Ladder Park at Sixth and Front, just after midnight on Sunday.
The burnout marks remain in the intersection, marking the spot where police say the crash happened.

Logan Hall lives in the apartment building near Front Street. She says she sees reckless driving down her street all the time.
"This was probably the first time I’ve seen two going down the street side by side, as far as that goes. Normally, it’s a line of them and they’ll just be zooming down the street. It doesn’t have to be nighttime; it’ll be broad daylight,” Logan Hall said.
She says it's especially troubling at the blind intersection. People crossing the Sixth Street Bridge don't have to stop. Those heading towards Fish Ladder on Front have a blinking red light.
READ MORE: Woman injured in crash that followed alleged drag racing incident
“My dog got hit by a car there, just from people zooming across the Sixth Street bridge — not having to stop there — you’re blocked from being able to see," Hall said.
Police agree — the large parking lot on Front Street is a problem spot.
“This is not out on some country road somewhere. This is in the city limits, coming up to a blind intersection on the west,” Deputy Chief Joe Trigg said.
Grand Rapids police also say they're too short-staffed to monitor the area all the time. Logan says as someone who watches these incidents frequently, it's frightening to see.
“That could have been me that night. I was off and headed home getting off the highway. That could have easily been me that night," Logan said.
Grand Rapids police are still looking for a gray Infinity involved in the crash and suspected drag racing. GRPD says they're getting promising tips from Silent Observer, where people can always remain 100% anonymous.