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A NEW CHAPTER for local bookstores with sprayed edges on books

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KENT COUNTY, Mich. — A newer trend called sprayed edges is sending people to the bookshelves.

Each page alone isn't unique, but together, it reveals a design that adds to the story.

Channing McArthur has a mountain of books with these sprayed edges. It takes up a section on her mantel at home.

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"I think I have about, like, anywhere between, like, 20 and 30, to be honest," McArthur said. "Just how cool they look and, like, the special-ness really behind them. It's something that you can have that, like, nobody else will have."

This story is one Epilogue Books in Rockford loves to hear.

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"It's helping, because a lot of new authors, their debut novels are coming out with sprayed edges. People see them. They're beautiful. They catch your eye, and so then you buy them, and they've become a lot more popular," Cindy Coats, Epilogue Books event coordinator and bookseller, said.

The bookseller explains that these sprayed edges have helped turn the page in sales at the local bookstore.

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"You can't just get an e-book with sprayed edges. It's convenient. You can download it immediately, but to get the special edition, you have to come into the store to get them," Coats added.

Another chapter in this saga is midnight release parties when a new book hits the shelves.

"It was so much fun just to be there with my friends and like-minded people who are into the series and love it as much as I do," McArthur said. "So this is kind of reliving my childhood, almost, in a way."

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The uniqueness can be appealing despite how many copies one reader might have.

"I do have one specific series that I have multiple versions of the sprayed edges, and I have said they could probably release 100 versions, and I would try and get all of them. It's exciting to see the ways that they have grown from being just, like, a solid color to elaborate beautiful pictures," Coats said.

The beautiful designs are bound to bring McArthur in again.

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"The sprayed edges are definitely, well... I'll say it is a factor of me coming in now because you never know what you're gonna see. I wasn't here maybe two weeks ago, and I didn't see this one. So, it's always something new that you can look for," McArthur said.

Epilogue Books plans to get more sprayed-edge books almost weekly. The biggest one they're looking forward to is the anniversary edition of Twilight.

A NEW CHAPTER for local bookstores with sprayed edges on books

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