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GR climate coalition prepares for Earth week

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GRAND RAPIDS — Earth week kicks off today as we are reminded and encouraged to take care of our planet. One West Michigan group is coming together to address climate change and push for change.

According to a new 2022 Wallet Hub study Michigan is ranked as the 13th greenest state in the United States. The Grand Rapids Climate Coalition agrees with this and says our city is ahead of the game but we still have a ways to go. They say our biggest problems come from how we power our buildings and transportation plus what we do with our waste especially single use products. Changing our daily behaviors makes a local difference but we need to focus on the change at the state and global levels.

"You know, a lot of times people say, Well, what can I do? And, you know, the first thing that comes to mind is recycling and don't use straws and things like that. And, and granted, we have to change our individual behaviors. It's absolutely true. But we also have to create system wide change. And so one of the biggest things that individuals can actually do is support the efforts to drive those system changes." says, Janet Zahn – co-chair of gr climate coalition

You can help support our planet against climate change by learning more with the Grand Rapids Climate Coalition this upcoming Saturday April 23rd at Books and Mortar on Cheery Street. They will hold a panel discussion working to take action locally, state and nationwide to fight against climate change.