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Plainfield teen arrested for sextorting peers

Kent county sheriff - Computer crime.png

PLAINFIELD, Mich. — A 14-year-old is facing charges after trying to extort others their age for illicit pictures. Kent County Sheriff's Office announced the teen has up to 17 known victims.

The unnamed teen is charged with three counts of Child Sexually Abusive Activity, two counts of Using a Computer to Commit a Crime, and one count of Child Sexually Abusive Material - Possession after an investigation led deputies to their door.

"This sad case brings an opportunity to speak with the children of our community about the dangers of online bullying and sextortion. As law enforcement continues to investigate, it becomes clear that these crimes are not faceless acts from distant locations but can, and do, happen right here within our community. We encourage anyone experiencing pressure to send illicit images or being bullied to contact a trusted adult; whether it’s a parent, teacher, School Resource Officer, or family friend. These crimes have lasting impact and trauma on their victims and our local law enforcement community takes these very seriously."
—Statement from the Kent County Sheriff's Office

The teen is currently in custody of the Kent County Juvenile Detention facility.