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Police: Two arrested after ammo found in Walker school's parking lot

Walker police 01202025
and last updated

WALKER, Mich. — The West Michigan Academy of Environmental Science (WMAES) was placed on lockdown following a hit-and-run crash Wednesday morning.

The Walker Police Department (WPD) says the crash happened during the early-morning hours. The crash unfolded near the intersection of Wilson Avenue and Leonard Street.

Officers arrived to collect evidence related to the crash and learned one of the cars was reported stolen from a nearby city. Both the driver and the passenger in the at-fault vehicle fled the scene, police explain.

Calling in a K9, police tracked the suspect through the WMAES parking lot, before the track veered away from the school. Officers cleared the scene after finding no evidence.

Later in the morning, during drop-off at WMAES, ammo was discovered in the school parking lot and delivered to school leaders. Safety protocols were instantly deployed, and police were notified.

On scene, officers were then told two juvenile suspects— who were not known by the school— were trying to get into the building but were turned away at multiple entrances. They did not have free roaming access inside the school, police say.

School staff were actively keeping students inside and away from the unknown persons.

Quickly, additional officers called to WMAES, and the two suspects were detained without incident.

School staff helped Walker police identify the two suspects as those involved in the morning's crash, and they were brought back to Walker Police Department for questioning before being lodged at Kent County Juvenile Detention Center.

Meanwhile, WMAES officials worked with police to determine a plan of action, and students were dismissed so that police could search the premises further.

Police conducted a sweep of school property and uncovered a discarded handgun outdoors, in an area not accessible to students. School security cameras show the suspects leaving the gun there.

No weapons were found on the suspects when police made contact with them, however.

Walker police continue to investigate the incident, emphasizing that the two suspects never issued a tangible threat to the school or its occupants.

Police say multiple people were arrested and the incident remains under investigation.

We’re told school was dismissed early as a precaution.

WMAES Staff should be applauded for their quick thinking and proper actions this morning. They followed safety protocols well, kept communications open, and ensured the safety of students while assisting with a fluid & unfolding police investigation.

We train with this school regularly and this morning was a true testament to their continued commitment to school safety. In what was a stressful and momentarily chaotic incident, they reacted in impressive fashion. We will continue to work with WMAES as we continue to strive for efficient, and more importantly, safe responses to these types of incidents.

Walker Police Department

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